lauantai 22. elokuuta 2009
Spencer: Meriveden 2009 lämpö normaalia vaihtelua
"The large and frequent swings in global average temperature are real, and result from changes in the rate at which water evaporates from the ocean surface. These variations are primarily driven by tropical Intraseasonal Oscillations, which change tropical-average surface winds by about 2 knots from lowest wind conditions to highest wind conditions"
perjantai 21. elokuuta 2009
Scafetta: Aurinko aiheuttanut jopa 65% lämpenemisestä
The Abstract states:
"The solar contribution to global mean air surface temperature change is analyzed by using an empirical bi-scale climate model characterized by both fast and slow characteristic time responses to solar forcing. Since 1980 the solar contribution to climate change is uncertain because of the severe uncertainty of the total solar irradiance satellite composites. The sun may have caused from a slight cooling, if PMOD TSI composite is used, to a significant warming (up to 65% of the total observed warming) if ACRIM, or other TSI composites are used. The model is calibrated only on the empirical 11-year solar cycle signature on the instrumental global surface temperature since 1980. The model reconstructs the major temperature patterns covering 400 years of solar induced temperature changes, as shown in recent paleoclimate global temperature records"
torstai 20. elokuuta 2009
CRU:n tuhottu alkuperäisdata tuhoaa loputkin alarmistien uskottavuudesta !
Ja kas, kun alarmisteilta pyytää tutkimusten "raakadataa", ainoaa jolla toiset tutkijat voivat varmistaa tulosten oikeellisuuden, sitä ei löydykään, "koira söi" kuten Hansenin putiikissa ja nyt taas CRU:ssa, kadonnut oudosti, tuhottu (tahallisesti ?) !
"But probably nothing could damage the credibility of climate change believers than the recent revelation by the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) that it has lost or destroyed all the original data used to construct historic global temperature records. The CRU, at the University of East Anglia in the UK, which has been using information collected from weather stations across the globe for decades, is probably the most widely cited source worldwide for those mounting a case that the earth has exhibited an inexorable warming trend: its website boasts that CRU’s research has “set the agenda for the major research effort in, and political preoccupation with, climate research.” The critical raw climate data responsible, which scientists of all climate-creeds have a natural interest in, is now gone, apparently, forever. With the exception of a handful of countries that the CRU has agreements with to sell its data, all that remains for the bulk of the statistics are “value added” versions, which is to say, consolidated, homogenized data. Actually, the CRU says it doesn’t even have all the data for countries it has data-sharing agreements with. “We know that there were others, but cannot locate them, possibly as we've moved offices several times during the 1980s,” the CRU writes in a rather embarrassing explanation for all this posted on its website"
keskiviikko 19. elokuuta 2009
Antarktisen sulamisen syy tulivuori ?
BBC kertoo uutisessaan tutkimuksesta,joka kertoo Antarktisen Pine Island-jäätikön sulamisesta neljä kertaa nopeammin kuin kymmenen vuotta sitten. Ovatko nämä tutkijat
unohtaneet, että Pine Islandin alla on aktiivinen tulivuori ?
wiki pine islandista
Subglacial volcano
See also: Subglacial volcano and Subglacial eruption
"In January 2008 the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) scientists, Hugh Corr and David Vaughan, reported that 2,200 years ago a volcano erupted under the Antarctic ice sheet. This was the biggest Antarctic eruption in the last 10,000 years. The volcano is situated in the Hudson Mountains, close to Pine Island Glacier.[16][17] The eruption spread a layer of volcanic ash (or tephra) over the surface of the ice sheet. This ash was then buried under the snow and ice. Corr and Vaughan were able to map this ash layer using an airborne radar system and calculate the date of the eruption from the depth of burial of the ash. This method uses dates calculated from nearby ice cores.[17] The presence of the volcano raises the possibility that volcanic activity could have contributed, or may contribute in the future, to increases in the flow of the glacier"
tiistai 18. elokuuta 2009
Saksan aurinkovoima - paljon miljardeja, vähän sähköä
Saksa on epäedullisesta sijainnistaan huolimatta investoinneltaan maailman aurinkoenergian mallimaa. Ja mitä on saavutettu 20 vuodessa, ei juuri mitään, 10 miljardin investoinneilla 0,33% sähköstä tulee aurinkovoimasta. Lisäinvestoinnit
nousevat 77 miljardiin, aurinkosähkön tuottajille on taattu 20 vuoden sopimushinta
tuotetulle sähkölle. Kallista kokeilua Saksan veronmaksajille merkityksettömin
hyödyin !
"the sum can be spelled out quite precisely: the expected installation of new solar panels in 2009 alone will cost German consumers ten billion euros in the next 20 years. This will produce about 1.8 billion kilowatt hours of solar electricity each year, which corresponds to about 0.3 percent of Germany's current electricity consumption. That's near to nothing"
maanantai 17. elokuuta 2009
Lämpötila ei ole noussut sataan vuoteen !
Syrjäisellä seudulla Australiassa, poissa kaupunkien ja teollisuuden lämpösaasteesta
tehty mittaus todistaa, ettei ilman lämpötila ole noussut viimeiseen sataan vuoteen.
Onko koko "ilmaston lämpeneminen" vain väärintulkittu "lämpösaarekeharha" ?
tehty mittaus todistaa, ettei ilman lämpötila ole noussut viimeiseen sataan vuoteen.
Onko koko "ilmaston lämpeneminen" vain väärintulkittu "lämpösaarekeharha" ?
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