perjantai 15. lokakuuta 2010

Ilmastohörhön "UFO"-ilmapallot aiheuttivat kaaosta Manhattanilla


Kaikki tuntuu kelpaavan "ilmastonmuutoksen" todistamiseen "uskoville", jopa UFO:t!Höynähtänyt eläkkeellä oleva USA:n ilmavoimien ex-upseeri mainosti kirjaansa ja kertoi ufojen laskeutuvan 13. lokakuuta. Aivan noin ei tapahtunut, mutta kun lastenkutsuilta karkasi nippu ilmapalloja Manhattanin taivaalle tänään,oli "esipeloteltujen" ihmisten paniikki valmis, viestihän ufojen saapuminen kirjailijan mukaan ilmastonmuutoksen uhan aktualisoitumista. No, hyvä mainostemppu, mutta kertoo surullista kieltään tämän roskatieteen levinneisyydestä !

"But believers cite a September 13 press release for the book Challenges of Change by retired Air Force officer Stanley A. Fulham, which predicted a fleet of UFOs would descend upon Earth's major cities on Wednesday, October 13.

Fulham stated the extraterrestrials would neither land nor make any communication with Earth on Wednesday. But their presence would be "the first in a series intended to avert a planetary catastrophe resulting from increasing levels of carbon-dioxide in the earth's atmosphere dangerously approaching a 'critical mass.'"

Ja 40 pallon nippu karkuunpäässeitä ilmapallojahan ne olivat ;-):

All those theories about Wednesday's mystery UFO sightings over Manhattan are about to go "pop."

A Westchester elementary school believes the puzzling orbs floating over Chelsea were likely a bundle of balloons that escaped from an engagement party they held for a teacher.

"UFO? They're crazy - those are our balloons!" said Angela Freeman, head of the Milestone School in Mount Vernon. "To me it was the most automatic thing. But it's all over YouTube."

A parent was bringing about 40 iridescent pearl balloons to the school for language arts teacher Andrea Craparo when the wind spent a bunch away around 1 p.m.

"They looked big and they were all together, so it looked like one UFO," said fourth-grader Nia Foster, 9.