perjantai 14. lokakuuta 2011

James Hansen: Ilmastoskeptiset blogistit voittamassa kisan

William M.Briggs kommentoi Hansenia blogissaan

"Ilmastonlämpenemisen isä", NASA:n New Yorkin sääyksikön johtaja James Hansen on harmistunut siitä, että vaikka valtalehdistö on kiltisti alamistien puolella, sosiaalisen median kirotut skeptiset blogisti ovat voittamassa tämän kisan ja syyttää
ilmastouskon tiedemiehiä puuttuvista kommunikaatiotaidoista.

Ja kuten aina, öljy-yhtiöthän ne Hansenin mukaan rahoittavat skeptikkoja...

keskiviikko 12. lokakuuta 2011

ENVISAT: Merenpinta alimmillaan vuosikymmeneen


"Envisat was launched by the EU in 2002, and is the largest and most sophisticated Earth monitoring satellite. It shows that the four lowest sea level readings all occurred in 2011. The most recent reading was fourth lowest on record, out of 321 measurements"

sunnuntai 9. lokakuuta 2011

Merivirrat, ei hiilidioksidi, sittenkin syynä lämpenemiseen?


Missä lämpeneminen?

"At this point one might ask how do you know the warming of the mid 1970s to the late 1990’s was caused by the warmer Pacific and not increasing amounts of carbon dioxide? Just look at what the global average temperature has done since the 1997/98 Super El Nino. There has been no warming of the earth average temperature since 1998. Atmospheric carbon dioxide has increased significantly in the last 14 years. In fact 25% of the increase of carbon dioxide since the birth of the industrial revolution has occurred since 1997. If carbon dioxide and its presumed strong water vapor feedback is such a powerful driver of the earth’s climate one would have expected the warming of the previous two and a half decades to have continued unabated after 1998 and into this year, but it has not. The prediction of the “permanent El Nino” has, as we say in the forecasting business, been a bust"