lauantai 19. syyskuuta 2009

Ruotsin radio: "Tiede ei niin tärkeää ilmastopäätöksissä"

Sveriges Radio

"Scientific uncertainty does not prevent politicians from acting on climate change, shows a dissertation from Lund University.

- Politicians and officials generally find ways to get around the scientific uncertainty, at least according to the material I studied, "says political scientist Asa Knaggård who has examined the Swedish climate policy from 1975 until 2007"

Hiven järjen valoa EU:ssa !

EU joustaa ilmastovaatimuksistaan

perjantai 18. syyskuuta 2009

"If we make full use of what we know about the past, we find that CO2 is in fact the hero of climate change, not the problem"

International Conference on Climate Change, 2007, Hong Kong, paper 106.

Intenational Conference of Climate Change, Hong-Kong 2007

"So if we make full use of what we know about the past, we find that CO2 is in fact the hero of climate change, not the problem"

torstai 17. syyskuuta 2009

Tanska huono tuulivoiman "mallimaa" Obamalle

Valkoinen Talo on yrittänyt perustella tuulivoiman rakentamista mm. Tanskan esimerkin voimalla. Mutta vaikka Tanska tuulisen meren ympäröimänä tasaisena maana teoriassa on ihanteellinen tuulivoimamaa, ei kaikki ole sujunut, kuten tuulivoiman kannattajat haluavat antaa ymmärtää. "Virallisen" 20 prosentin sijaan huonoimmillaan vain nelisen prosenttia sähköstä saadaan tuulivoimaloista ja tanskalaiset maksavat Euroopan korkeinta hintaa sähköstään. Myöskään väite hiilidioksidipäästöjen vähenemisestä ei pidä paikkaansa, nettoväheneminen tarkasteluvuonna johtui vain siitä, että Tanska osti huomattavan osan sähköstään ulkoa, Nordpoolista, päästöt menivät siis muualle
Scandinaviaan. Ilmakehä on kuitenkin yhteinen, hurskasta hämäystä kaikki tyyni ja propellihattujen hommaa teknisessä mielessä.


"Confronted by meddling academics who analyzed the Spanish situation and laid out the monitory lesson of its green-jobs regime, the White House quickly pivoted and said, uh, look to Denmark and Germany, yeah, that's it, Denmark.

OK. That's been done — by the establishment think tank CEPOS, and you can read it here. The answer is that the president's (repeat) claim that "Denmark produces almost 20 percent of their electricity through wind power" is false. Denmark actually produces much less of its own electricity from wind, as low as 4 percent depending on the year, with the recent average of 9.7 percent. This despite a massive buildout of what they flatteringly call the "wind carpet," on some of the most hospitable terrain for wind power in the world.

It is also in return for its households paying the highest eletricity rates in Europe. With a substantially lower per-capita energy use. That means, to get half of what Obama seeks, the U.S. would have to carpet itself twice over — which means lots of windmills where birds fly and Kennedys live — and pay Danish-style rates"

keskiviikko 16. syyskuuta 2009

"Self-censorship of climate skepticism in the Finnish media"

Laajasti luetun australialaisen tri John Ray´n blogista tänään 16.9.2009:


Self-censorship of climate skepticism in the Finnish media

An email from Hannu Tanskanen []. With a few grammatical corrections. See his blog here (in a mixture of Finnish and English)

Finland has always been described as "model pupil" in the European Union. Not long ago the EU tried to issue a "directive" prohibiting critisism of "climate change", fortunately without success. But Finland, more papal than Pope himself, has applied this rule for a long time already.

In 2007 our Centre Party prime minister declared, that "it is time for the climate critics to shut their mouths". Consequences of this statement were soon obvious. Since 1989 and regularly between 2003-2008, I had been a free-lance science writer in Scandinavia's biggest popular technology publication TM Tekniikan Maailma -- and where just recently I wrote a large article on climate change, where I Iet two leading critical scientists express their opinions.

The editor in chief of TM changed in that same year and he fired me immediately without any explanation. Also the leading daily newspaper, HS Helsingin Sanomat, where I have had articles on science pages since 2003 refused to take any more of my articles. They even refused to publish my opinion on their readers' pages. Orwelliania was in 1984, but in the Finnish media it is in 2009 !

Viimeisen vuosikymmenen lämpötilan lasku kumoaa ilmastonmuutoksen ?

"Observations indicate that global temperature rise has slowed in the last decade (Fig. 2.8a). The least squares trend for January
1999 to December 2008 calculated from the HadCRUT3 dataset (Brohan et al. 2006) is +0.07±0.07°C decade–1—much less than the 0.18°C decade–1 recorded between 1979 and .."

Blogisti RadioRock´ssa klo 09:00

Radio Rock (nettiradio) -haastattelu klo 09:00 tänään.

tiistai 15. syyskuuta 2009

Grönlanti sulaa ? Höpö-höpö, Grönlanti jäähtyy !

Wolfram Alpha Database

(The graph is from the Wolfram Alpha scientific database. To see the graph there for yourself, see the "history & forecast" section, where it displays "Current Week," and from the dropdown selections it gives, click on "All." That will display a graph of average temps from 1983 to 2008)

"Melting" Greenland

"You would be hard put to keep track of all the "scientific" announcements about the Greenland icecap melting. Yet below is the temperature chart for central Greenland in recent years. Greenland sure is cooling, whether or not the earth as a whole is. Melting, my foot. Truth is the first casualty of Leftism"

maanantai 14. syyskuuta 2009