lauantai 23. toukokuuta 2009
perjantai 22. toukokuuta 2009
Puhtaan energian likainen valhe
Täällä hieman TOSIASIOITA
"Kahden vuosikymmenen raskailla investoinneilla tuskin yksi prosentti USA:n energiasta
tulee "vihreistä" energiamuodoista"
"Espanjan kokemusten mukaan jokaista raskaasti verovaroin tuettua "uuden energian" työpaikkaa kohden menetetään 2,2 muuta työpaikkaa"
torstai 21. toukokuuta 2009
Kiinakin väistää Kioton
Täällä REUTERS kertoo asiasta
"As the world's biggest emitter of these gases, China faces pressure to begin cutting them soon. But Beijing says it and other developing countries should not be forced to accept mandatory emissions caps to solve a problem caused by wealthy countries over the centuries"
keskiviikko 20. toukokuuta 2009
Venäjä lipeää Kiotosta
"Russia might, however, be reluctant to adopt a target as it views emissions increases as a natural part of economic growth, argued a new report published by the Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA) on 4 May. According to the research institute, Russia could seek to reclassify itself as an emerging economy under the new climate regime in order to secure its government's priority objectives. Russia might nevertheless agree to a reduction target if it is allowed to use surplus allowances from the 1990s when its economy plummeted, bringing emissions down, FIIA said"
"Russia might, however, be reluctant to adopt a target as it views emissions increases as a natural part of economic growth, argued a new report published by the Finnish Institute of International Affairs (FIIA) on 4 May. According to the research institute, Russia could seek to reclassify itself as an emerging economy under the new climate regime in order to secure its government's priority objectives. Russia might nevertheless agree to a reduction target if it is allowed to use surplus allowances from the 1990s when its economy plummeted, bringing emissions down, FIIA said"
tiistai 19. toukokuuta 2009
maanantai 18. toukokuuta 2009
sunnuntai 17. toukokuuta 2009
700 ilmastotieteilijää 24 maasta: "Ilmasto jäähtyy"
This can be seen on the US Senate Environment committee web site with over 700 leading climatologists from 24 different countries including Nobel Prize laureates all dissenting from the man made global warming theory. It has been well reported that at least one of the architects of Koyoto has strong links with the New Age Movement which is not a movement that would promote economic growth.
Yet there has been no warming since 1998 with a one degree cooling this year being the largest global temperature change ever recorded. Nasa satellite imagery from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California has confirmed that the Pacific Ocean has switched from the warm mode it has been in since 1977 to its cool mode, similar to that of the 1945-1977 global cooling period.
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