lauantai 2. toukokuuta 2009
Ja taas, IPCC kertoo faktat viidellä merenpinnan nousussa !
(Kuvassa IPCC:n ennuste vuoteen 2100: 49 cm. Tutkimus kertoo: 9 cm)
Aegean merestä tehty tutkimus ei osoita mitään kiihtynyttä merenpinnan nousua viime vuosina. Tutkimuksen perusteella merenpinta nousee vuoteen 2100 mennessä 9 cm aivan
"perinteisellä" nopeudella,kun IPCC:n arvio on 49 cm.
Tässä ABSTRAKTI tutkimukseen
"The main phase of rapid sea-level rise in the Central Aegean region ended prior to 5500 BP with the sea level being 4–5 m below its present stand. Subsequently, the sea level continued to rise slowly at a rate of 0.9 mm/a towards its present level, but without ever exceeding it. Due to the tectonic stability of the Attico–Cycladic Massif (central Aegean Sea), the rise of sea level within historical times is attributed to eustatic factors, with thermal expansion being the dominant one, followed by residual melting of glaciers and ice-caps. Hence, the current transgressional phase during the last interglacial period has not reached its optimum yet. No signs of accelerated sea-level rise in recent years are detectable from the available data for the Central Aegean region. The estimate of sea-level rise in the Aegean Sea for 2100 AD, on the basis of the Attico–Cycladic curve and presuming that the present trend will persist, is approximately 9 cm, which is significantly lower than the 49 cm, predicted by the IPCC (2001). Thus, any excess of the natural increment (i.e. 9 cm) during the coming decades would be attributed to the Global Climatic Change induced by human activities"
Media valehtelee, Antarktisen jää kasvaa
Täällä TODISTETTA uskon sijaan !
Merkityksetön, kelluva jäähylly Antarktisen pohjoisreunalla lohkeilee,kuten se on tehnyt vuosttain kautta aikain, mutta media hehkuttaa "Wilkins"-jäätiköstä lohkeavilla "Manhattanin kokoisilla" jäävuorilla. Todellisuudessa Etelänavan jäätikkö
on kasvanut noin miljoonalla neliökilometrillä,kolmen Suomen pinta-alalla !
"Apparently over and over. An excellent analysis posted on April 17th, 2009 by Ron de Haan entitled “The Antarctic Wilkins Ice Shelf Collapse: Media recycles photos and storylines from previous years,” documents how the Wilkins Ice Shelf has been reported by the mainstream media to be ominously collapsing every year now since 1999. Haan also provides satellite photography back as far as 1993 showing the end-of-summer thaws and mid-winter maximums for the Wilkins Ice Shelf. Not much has changed over the past 15 years"
perjantai 1. toukokuuta 2009
Kertoisitko, Reetta Meriläinen ?
Jo huhtikuun 17. päivä on HS:n päätoimittaja Reetta Meriläiselle esitetty avoin kysymys omassa "Lasitalon emäntä"-blogissaan, mutta vastausta ei kuulu ? Kopioin saman kysymyksen nyt tänne !
Täällä REETAN blogi
"# Anne Engholm:
17. huhtikuuta 2009 kello 12.29
Kertoisitko, päätoimittaja Meriläinen, mistä johtuu, ettei tietoja ilmaston lämpenemisen pysähtymisestä, saati kääntymisestä laskuun, uutisoida Helsingin Sanomissa? Miksi New Yorkin ilmastokokouksesta ei uutisoitu? Miksi merijään laajuden kasvusta ei uutisoida?
Miksi Obaman tieteellisen neuvonantajan pelottavista skenaarioista ampua saastetta atmosfääriin, ei uutisoitu? Miksi vain liioitellut uhkakuvat, jotka perustuvat todellisuutta korreloimattomiin tietokonemalleihin, uutisoidaan?
Huoleni vääristyneen tiedotuksen seurauksista on suuri. Miksi totuutta ei kerrota? Kuka johtaa? Kuka päättää?"
Kylmenevää, ennustaa venäläinen tiedemies
Prof. Lev Karlin, Pietarin Hydro-Meteorologian yliopiston johtaja,ennustaa,että seuraavan vuosikymmenen aikana palaamme 70-luvun säähän.
Tässä ALKUPERÄINEN (venäjänkielinen) artikkeli
“Predictions of global warming in the foreseeable future may not be justified." This opinion was expressed today in an interview with Professor Lev Karlin – the director of the St. Petersburg Hydro-Meteorological University, a regional hub of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).
The most widely held view among scientists is that the climate during the past 150 years had a tendency to gradually warm. Mathematical modelling suggests, some advocates claim, that inevitably there will be further warming of the planet. Even apocalyptic scenarios of planetary temperature rises by two to three degrees Celsius over the next few decades, with all the ensuing consequences for the environment, are not excluded.
However, an analysis of geophysical evidence leads some scientists to believe that all these factors have subsided during the last three or four years and that the global warming trend is on its way to reverse into gradual cooling. "There is every reason to assume that the projections of future warming may not be justified: in the next decade we are likely to return to the climatic norm of the 1970s", the director of the University of Hydrometeorology claims.
torstai 30. huhtikuuta 2009
Pohjoisnavan jää kaksi kertaa oletettua paksumpaa
The research aircraft "Polar 5" today concluded its Arctic expedition in Canada. During the flight, researchers measured the current ice thickness at the North Pole and in areas that have never before been surveyed. The result: The sea-ice in the surveyed areas is apparently thicker than scientists had suspected.
Normally, newly formed ice measures some two meters in thickness after two years. "Here, we measured ice thickness up to four meters," said a spokesperson for Bremerhaven's Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research. At present, this result contradicts the warming of the sea water, according to the scientists.
Apart from measuring ice thickness, the composition of arctic air was also investigated. With the help of a laser, the researchers studied the level of pollution of the atmosphere by emissions from industrialized countries. In the next few weeks the results will be evaluated. Some 20 scientists from the U.S., Canada, Italy and Germany took part in the expedition.
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