keskiviikko 15. huhtikuuta 2009

Hudson institute case study: Saksa-vihreän energian illuusio

Hudson instituutin tutkimus Saksasta "vihreän energian mallimaana" antaa kovin erilaisen kuvan,kuin viherpropaganda. Maa ei sovellu sen paremmin tuuli- kuin aurinkoenergiallekaan,mutta huimilla tukiaisilla on rakennettu teoriassa 15% kokonaisenergiasta antava "vihreä verkko",joka käy germaaniystävillemme todella kalliiksi. Sähkön hinta nousi yksin vuonna 2007 38% edelliseen vuoteen verrattuna.
Esimerkiksi aurinkokennovoimaloille on taattu 20 vuodeksi tukkuhintaa seitsemän (7)
kertaa suurempi energian hintatuotto, vaikka aurinkokennojen "load factor", eli tuotto teoreettisesta ( 25% spekuloidulla hyötysuhteella) maassa harvoin ylittää 20 prosenttia. Ja paljon puuhattu tuulivoima ei ole vähentänyt grammaakaan hiilipäästöjä.

Täällä HUDSONIN tutkimusta !

"The reality, of course, is that it doesn’t matter how much sun or wind there is as long as the government provides huge subsidies at the expense of the taxpayer and of the economy’s future prospects. In Germany, through a scheme innocuously called “feed-in tariff,” this has meant guaranteeing solar producers, for instance, a price seven times higher than the wholesale rate for 20 years. No wonder every entrepreneur-for-the-dole promptly lined up to feed at the public trough and created an artificial industry overnight. Yet, with Germany’s electricity bill going up by 38 percent in just one year (2007 over 2006), this is hardly a sustainable proposition. If that’s not enough, several years of operational experience have proven what experts have known or feared for a long time: that renewable energy is not only very expensive but also highly inefficient and unreliable. Solar panels, for example, seldom convert more than 25 percent of sun energy into electricity, while wind power’s “load factor” — i.e., electricity produced per installed capacity — seldom exceeds 20 percent in Germany. The intermittent nature of both of these sources makes them completely unsuitable for baseload-grid consideration, meaning that they have to be backed up by conventional energy — which, of course, defeats the purpose of green energy as an alternative"

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