torstai 7. toukokuuta 2009

Britannian johtava ilmastoalarmisti kriitikoiden leiriin !

East Anglia yliopiston ilmastonmuutoksen professori Mike Hulme, "Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research":n perustajajäsenen, organisaation, joka on niin ympäristöväen kansoittama,että sitä voisi luulla viherliikkeen akateemiseksi siiveksi,luulisi olevan viimeinen henkilö,joka liittyisi ilmastokriitikoihin,mutta näin näyttää nyt tapahtuneen. Hulme kritisoi voimakkaasti vain ilmastonmuutosta tukevan tieteen dominoivaa asemaa ja uskoo,ettemme lopultakaan voi tehdä asialle yhtään mitään,vain sopeutua siihen.

Täällä HULME:n haastattelu

As much as Just two years ago, Mike Hulme would have been about the last person you'd expect to hear criticising conventional climate change wisdom. Back then, he was the founding director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, an organisation so revered by environmentalists that it could be mistaken for the academic wing of the green movement.

As Professor of Climate Change at the University of East Anglia, Hulme remains one of the UK's most distinguished and high-profile climate scientists. In his new book, Why We Disagree About Climate Change, he explores how the issue of climate change has come to be such a dominant issue in modern politics. He treats climate change not as a problem that we need to solve – indeed, he believes that the complexity of the issue means that it cannot be solved, only lived with – and instead considers it as much of a cultural idea as a physical phenomenon."

Perhaps the most surprising thing to hear from a climate scientist writing about climate change is that climate science has for too long had the monopoly in climate change debates.

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