keskiviikko 9. joulukuuta 2009

"Kööpenhaminan sopu" rakoilee jo ensi metreillä

"Rikkaiden maiden" oikeus tuplapäästöihin, nk. "Tanskan teksti", raivostuttaa kehitysmaita jo Kööpenhaminan keskustelujen alkumetreillä. Ei vaikuta lupaavalta, rivit ovat muutenkin jo hajalla East Anglian skandaalin vuoksi


"TALKS at the United Nations climate change conference in Copenhagen have broken down over leaked documents indicating that wealthier nations would be given more power in future climate change negotiations.

The documents seem to allow a handful of rich countries to have larger emissions and more control over future talks within a "circle of commitment" and have enraged delegates from developing countries.

The US, UK, and Denmark are among the countries included in the so-called "Danish text."

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