lauantai 4. huhtikuuta 2009

Keskiajan lämpöperiodista tieteellistä todistetta

"Alarmistit" ovat väittäneet keskiajan (800-1300 A.D.)lämpimän kauden olleen vain paikallisen anomalian. Paikallisen anomalian,joka kesti 300 vuotta ? Uudet todisteet
mm. Argentiinasta ja Uudesta Seelannista kuitenkin kumoavat tämän väitteen,periodi on ollut globaali.



TÄÄLLÄ lisää

"During the Medieval Climate Anomaly (approximately 800 to 1300 A.D.) temperatures in Europe were generally warmer than immediately before or after. The source of that warmth is hotly debated. Trouet et al. (p. 78) present a reconstruction of the North Atlantic Oscillation--the dominant mode of atmospheric circulation variability in the North Atlantic region--that extends back to the middle of the Medieval Climate Anomaly, based on data from Moroccan tree rings and a Scottish stalagmite. The North Atlantic Oscillation, it seems, was in a persistently positive state during the Medieval Climate Anomaly. The authors suggest that prevailing La Niña-like conditions during medieval times was initiated by high levels of irradiance and amplified by enhanced Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circ" (

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