sunnuntai 18. lokakuuta 2009

"Kirsikanpoimintaa" lämpötiloilla

Nouseeko vai laskeeko lämpötila, kas siinä kysymys! Vastaus riippuu tulkitsijasta,mutta seuraava on kiistatonta faktaa:

For the past 8 years (96 months), no global warming is indicated by any of the five datasets.

• For the past 5 years (60 months), there is a statistically significant global cooling in all datasets.

• For the past 15 years, global warming has been occurring at a rate that is below the average climate model expected warming

• There has been no (statistically significant) warming for the past 13 years. [Using the satellite records of the lower atmosphere].

• The globe has been cooling rapidly for the past 8 years. [Using the CRU and satellite records]

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