torstai 19. maaliskuuta 2009

EU määrittelee "hyvää tieteen hallintotapaa"

Tämä kuulostaa pahaenteiseltä,vastahan EU:ssa yritettiin leimata "ilmastouskovaisuus" ainoaksi oikeaksi ajatteluksi. Tehdäänkö hommasta nyt kulissien takana "direktiiviä" nimeltä "hyvä tiede". Tällainenhan oli mm. lysenkolaisuus, kvasitieteistä pahimpia, edesmenneessä Neuvostoliitossa.

Global Governance of Science
March 18th, 2009

Posted by: Roger Pielke, Jr.

The European Commission has just released a new report titled, The Global Governance of Science. It is available here in PDF. Here is the abstract:

This report is the product of an expert group acting under a mandate from the European Commission Directorate General for Research to which legal scholars, sociologists, philosophers and political scientists from Europe, the United States of America, China and South-Africa have contributed. This report seeks to advance a vision of global governance for the common good that invokes European principles of good governance and fundamental rights. It is our belief that the European Union as a political entity situated between the national and global levels, with its principles of good governance, its charter of fundamental rights and commitments to a European Research Area, is ideally placed to encourage critical reflection and undertake practical leadership in relation to the global governance of science and innovation. Our recommendations are addressed not only to policymakers in the European Commission and the Member States of the EU, but equally to those organisations worldwide operating within and around science.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, March 18th, 2009 at 4:39 am and is filed under Uncategorized.

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